The Main Ride

The ride/race begins and ends on Main Street in downtown Jonesboro. For the 43, 62 and 100-mile routes, there is a neutral roll-out of 7 miles and then the hammer drops. The 24-Mile route, there is a neutral roll-out of 2 miles.

Saturday, May 31:

  • Start Line / Ride Corrals – Open at 7:00am
  • 100 Mile – 8:00 am
  • 62 Mile – 8:00 am
  • 43 Mile – 8:00 am
  • 24 Mile – 9:00 am


  • Gravel rides are based upon lowest time and are scored per each distance and gender. See Awards and Prizes for full details.
  • There will be hot zones (hilly and flat sections) designated on the course maps and with markings. Stay tuned for full details.

Aid Stations

  • Main aid stations have sodas, water, electrolytes along with sweet and salty snacks. There will also be speciality items from our aid station sponsors, so get ready for some fun! See Course link for exact locations. All riders should be prepared to have extra nutrition and hydration in case of unforeseen conditions.

Course Cut-off Times

  • 100 mile
    • Riders who have not made it to Mile 39.4 (County Road 4656) by 11:30 am will be re-directed 3.6 miles to the 37 miles-to-go on the main course. This will result in a total distance of 79 miles.

All riders remaining on the course will be picked up at 5:00 pm unless inside the final 5 miles of the course.


Be Safe. Have Fun! Follow the Rules of the Road:

Road Safety

  • Riders must wear an ANSI certified helmet at ALL times.
  • The roads are OPEN to vehicle traffic, so treat them as such! These rules include, but are not limited to: Follow the centerline rule. Keep your bike on the right side of the road.
  • We encourage you to ride as far right as safely possible. Most of the paved sections have a shoulder, but if not, stay as close to the right as possible
  • On the gravel roads, please stay on your “side of the road”. This is especially important when going around corners. Residents are going to expect that you ride as they drive…on the right side of the road at all times.
  • This is a farming community and you may encounter tractors and other very large farming equipment, sometimes taking up the entire road. If you can’t both coexist on a section of the road…the farmers have the right away. Please yield as we are guests in their domain.
  • Pass with care! Use that helmet-protected brain of yours. Do NOT pass in blind corners, let someone know that you are going to pass them (especially on the paved sections) and pass on the left. This should mean that the cyclist you are passing is staying as far RIGHT as possible.
  • Treat this race the same as being out for a ride. Just because it is a “RACE” doesn’t mean that there is a safety bubble. The roads are OPEN.

Rider Safety

  • Be courteous and respectful at all times. This goes for your actions towards other racers, spectators, volunteers (they are here to help you on their own time), the community and vehicles. We get to ride these roads all the time and we would love for our community to keep supporting us!
  • Stay on the course. This is a race for some and a ride for others. That means that everyone (in their respective distance category) must follow the same path. It is YOUR responsibility to be in the right place. Study the map, find someone who can show you how to download/upload the GPX file from RIDE WITH GPS to your bike computer….have some idea of where you are going. The course will be well-marked, but sometimes things happen. Wind, vandals, rogue wildlife….have a back-up plan.
  • Flashing tail lights are always helpful for vehicles who may come upon you during the race.
  • No headphones, earbuds or texting while riding. If you need to document the ride, please pull over to the right side, come to a complete stop and share away.
  • Riders are expected to be prepared to deal with mechanical issues. Please bring extra tubes, a hand pump and/or CO2, etc. There will be neutral support on the course, but be prepared to be self-sufficient as their proximity to you is unknown.
  • If you find yourself needing to drop from the ride, please notify the nearest Aid Station or Event Official

Course Safety

  • Listen to ride officials. If a Marshall or Ride Official gives you a specific direction, you must follow it. If they tell you to stop, it is for a good reason!
  • No direct outside support on the course is allowed. Riders accepting support from a source not available to all riders (i.e. designated aid stations) will be disqualified.
  • We are competing on a variety of county roads and highways. Please treat them with respect.
  • Your jersey has pockets. Not only do they store your food, but they store your trash. Please Leave No Trace.
  • If you cut the race short you will be disqualified. Timing hardware/software, RWGPS and Strava don’t lie.
  • In the event of a natural disaster or weather that could be potentially dangerous to riders or volunteers, the ride will be delayed, shortened, postponed or canceled without refund.
  • We reserve the right to make any last minute course/timing changes as deemed necessary for a safe and successful race day


  • Be Safe, Have Fun and Follow Rules of the Road
  • Riders must wear an ANSI certified helmet at ALL times.
  • Follow the Rules of the Road. The roads are OPEN to vehicle traffic, so treat them as such! These rules include, but are not limited to: Follow the centerline rule. Keep your bike on the right side of the road.
  • We encourage you to ride as far right as safely possible. Most of the paved sections have a shoulder, but if not, stay as close to the right as possible
  • On the gravel roads, please stay on your “side of the road”. This is especially important when going around corners. Residents are going to expect that you ride as they drive…on the right side of the road at all times.
  • This is a farming community and you may encounter tractors and other very large farming equipment, sometimes taking up the entire road. If you can’t both coexist on a section of the road…the farmers have the right away. Please yield as we are guests in their domain.
  • No direct outside support on the course is allowed. Riders accepting support from a source not available to all riders (i.e. designated aid stations) will be disqualified.
  • Treat this race the same as being out for a ride. Just because it is a “RACE” doesn’t mean that there is a safety bubble. The roads are OPEN.
  • Pass with care! Use that helmet-protected brain of yours. Do NOT pass in blind corners, let someone know that you are going to pass them (especially on the paved sections) and pass on the left. This should mean that the cyclist you are passing is staying as far RIGHT as possible.
  • No headphones, earbuds or texting while riding. If you need to document the ride, please pull over to the right side, come to a complete stop and share away.
  • Flashing tail lights are always helpful for vehicles who may come upon you during the race.
  • Be courteous and respectful at all times. This goes for your actions towards other racers, spectators, volunteers (they are here to help you on their own time), the community and vehicles. We get to ride these roads all the time and we would love for our community to keep supporting us!
  • Riders are expected to be prepared to deal with mechanical issues. Please bring extra tubes, a hand pump and/or CO2, etc. There will be neutral support on the course, but be prepared to be self-sufficient as their proximity to you is unknown.
  • In the event of a natural disaster or weather that could be potentially dangerous to riders or volunteers, the ride will be delayed, shortened, postponed or canceled without refund.
  • Your jersey has pockets. Not only do they store your food, but they store your trash. Please Leave No Trace.
  • Stay on the course. This is a race for some and a ride for others. That means that everyone (in their respective distance category) must follow the same path. It is YOUR responsibility to be in the right place. Study the map, find someone who can show you how to download/upload the GPX file from RIDE WITH GPS to your bike computer….have some idea of where you are going. The course will be well-marked, but sometimes things happen. Wind, vandals, rogue wildlife….have a back-up plan.
  • If you cut the race short you will be disqualified. Timing hardware/software, RWGPS and Strava don’t lie.
  • Listen to ride officials. If a Marshall or Ride Official gives you a specific direction, you must follow it. If they tell you to stop, it is for a good reason!
  • We are competing on a variety of county roads and highways. Please treat them with respect.
  • If you find yourself needing to drop from the ride, please notify the nearest Aid Station or Event Official
  • We reserve the right to make any last minute course/timing changes as deemed necessary for a safe and successful race day.


  • Gravel rides are based upon lowest time and are scored per each distance and gender. See Awards and Prizes for full details.
  • There will be hot zones (hilly and flat sections) designated on the course maps and with markings. Stay tuned for full details.